Banger Team Racing Spedeworth Incarace Trackstar Ringwood


If you want to see proper Banger Team racing then you need to watch cars from two different promoters  racing.

Wimbledon 24th April 1994: This one is very heavy with lots of bent Cortinas and one of the best team events at Wimbledon, 26 Jeff Woolford is on form. Includes the famous eight car jacking train when Spedeworth turn on each other in front of the pits bend after wiping out the Incarace team. Roger Wilko also destroys one of the Incarace Cortinas with a savage hit, so he can crash; also features Reg Hartop's ultra rare 1950s Singer Hunter.

Wimbledon 23rd April 1995: This was another heavy meeting, 46 Maverick was on form, again lots of bent Cortinas and a spirited performance from Incarace.

Wimbledon 21st April 1996: Another heavy meeting, lots of never say die performances from Incarace, tons of Mk3 Cortinas as well which end up well bent as expected. 213 Mark Watkins does amazingly well in his 2 door Mk3 Cortina and keeps going despite hit after hit.

Spedeworth v Ringwood. All 2lt Granadas Wimbledon 20th April 1997: One of the classic meetings, so much action it's untrue, one of the best banger meets ever at Wimbledon, lots of jacking trains and a few meaty follow ins, some very bent Ford Granadas.

Wimbledon 1st October 2000: More bent Cortinas, with Capris taking charge as well, some great driving here with Incarace coming close, another crashfest.

Spedeworth v Trackstar. Ipswich 10th August 1996: Not so heavy but enough crashes to keep you happy, wall to wall Cortinas.

This is a true collectors item, with team pride at stake the wrecking is exceptional, in fact classic team racing.

Three Disc Set

3 hours 54 mins

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