Goodbye Aldershot Stadium


Aldershot Stadium will not go down in history as one of the greatest tracks in the country but it will be remembered with great affection for the many hours of excitement, memories and heartaches over the past 50 years. I had hoped that I could enjoy my last few remaining years doing what I love doing, but unfortunately so-called progress waits for no man. I know you will enjoy reliving some of the great times of the past in this very last record of Aldershot
Les Eaton 1992......

Produced in 1992 MHV have collaborated with Doral Videos to re-release this unique DVD.

Featuring numerous interviews with past characters of the sport from both sides of the fence, including the big 3 (Duffy, George & Barry), we hear many anecdotes about the early days of Spedeworth.

All the races from the night are here with many old names taking part and the sad evening is brought to a close with a large excavator driven by Duffy Collard digging up the track.

New footage filmed in 1999 shows the remains of the stadium that escaped the road builders.

Two Disc Set

2 hours 27 mins


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