Sales Hotline 01473 890518

Meetings in 2000

These old meetings have to be ordered by email or phone 01473 890518
Date Formula Championships etc
Wimbledon 3rd January 2000 1300 Stock Cars  
Stock Rods  
Hot Rods  
Wimbledon 16th January 2000 Ministox  
Lightning Rods  
Reliant Robins Capital Trophies
Rookie Bangers  
Wimbledon 30th January 2000 1300 Stock Cars  
Hot Rods  
Wimbledon 13th February 2000 Bangers London Open
Ipswich 20th February 2000 Ministox  
Lightning Rods  
Stock Rods  
Rookie Bangers  
Wimbledon 27th February 2000 1300 Stock Cars  
Hot Rods  
National Hot Rods  
Ipswich 5th March 2000 Stock Rods  
1300 Stock Cars  
Rookie Bangers  
Wimbledon 12th March 2000 Bangers Young Guns & Stars of the Past
Ipswich 18th March 2000 Hot Rods  
1300 Stock Cars  
Ipswich 25th March 2000 Superstox  
National Hot Rods  
Rookie Bangers  
Wimbledon 26th March 2000 Hot Rods  
Stock Rods  
Ipswich 1st April 2000 Lightning Rods  
Stock Rods  
Wimbledon 9th April 2000 Ministox Stars of the Future
V8 Stock Cars  
Rookie Bangers Fiestas
Ipswich 15th April 2000 Bangers Raid 2000 + Reliant Robins
Wimbledon 23rd April 2000 Bangers Plough Lane Classic & Massacre
Hot Rods  
Ipswich 24th April 2000 National Hot Rods  
Lightning Rods  
Hot Rods  
Bangers Vans
Ipswich 6th May 2000 Rookie Bangers  
Reliant Robins  
1300 Stock Cars British
Wimbledon 7th May 2000 Bangers Fig 8 World
1300 Stock Cars  
Ipswich 20th May 2000 Superstox  
Hot Rods  
Wimbledon 21st May 2000 Bangers Golden Oldies Night (Pre 68)
Reliant Robins  
V8 Stock Cars  
Ipswich 29th May 2000 Rookie Bangers  
Lightning Rods  
National Hot Rods  
Ipswich 10th June 2000 National Hot Rods Thunder 500
Lightning Rods World
Ipswich 17th June 2000 Hot Rods John Earrey Testimonial
Stock Rods
National Bangers
Ipswich 1st, 2nd July 2000 National Hot Rods World & Spedeweekend
Stock Rods Spedeweekend
Hot Rods World & Spedeweekend
Reliant Robins Spedeweekend
1300 Stock Cars
Lightning Rods
Bangers English & Spedeweekend
Ipswich 15th July 2000 Bangers Volcano
2lt Stock Cars  
Ipswich 29th July 2000 Stock Rods World
Super Rod World
Ipswich 12th August 2000 National Hot Rods  
Hot Rods  
1300 Stock Cars  
Wimbledon 27th August 2000 Superstox  
Stock Rods London
Whacky Racers  
Ipswich 28th August 2000 1300 Stock Cars  
Hot Rods English
Rookie Bangers  
Ipswich 9th September 2000 V8 Stock Cars  
Reliant Robins  
Superstox Neil Bee Memorial
Wimbledon 10th September 2000 1300 Stock Cars  
Hot Rods  
Ipswich 23rd September 2000 Superstox European
V8 Stock Cars European
Rookie Bangers  
Wimbledon 24th September 2000 Ministox London
1300 Stock Cars  
Hot Rods  
Wimbledon 1st October 2000 Bangers Incarace v Spedeworth
Ministox English
Fit a Metro through a metre  
Ipswich 7th October 2000 Rookie Bangers  
Bangers Darren Jones Thunderball
Rebel Racers  
Wimbledon 8th October 2000 V8 Stock Cars  
Lightning Rods London
1300 Stock Cars  
Rookie Bangers  
Ipswich 14th October 2000 Rookie Bangers Team Racing
Lightning Rods  
Stock Rods East Anglian
Wimbledon 15th October 2000 Hot Rods National
Reliant Robins  
Superstox World
Rookie Bangers  
Ipswich 21st October 2000 Hot Rods Seahaven Caravans Series Final
National Hot Rods  
Wimbledon 22nd October 2000 BRISCA F1 Stock Cars London
Superstox London & Howard Cole Memorial
Stock Rods  
Wimbledon 29th October 2000 National Hot Rods 2 Races only, weather stopped filming
Ipswich 3rd November 2000 Rookie Bangers Gala Night
Reliant Robin through a Caravan
Wimbledon 5th November 2000 Ministox  
Hot Rods London
Bangers Fig 8
Wimbledon 12th November 2000 Bangers World
1300 Stock Cars  
Ipswich 19th November 2000 Bangers Inter Promotion Team Racing
Saloon Stock Cars  
Wimbledon 26th November 2000 Hot Rods Best in Britain
1300 Stock Cars
National Hot Rods
Ipswich 3rd December 2000 Ministox  
Rookie Bangers  
Wimbledon 27th December 2000 1300 Stock Cars  
Superstox English
Hot Rods  
Bangers Fig 8