Saloon Stock Cars 1988


Relive the great years of Spedeworth's Saloon Stock Cars.

Here are eleven classic meetings from 1988 starting with the Winternationals at Wimbledon, then Aldershot for the Doral Videos Meeting.

Heading North now to Wisbech for the South Brink Classic and the Ipswich Spedeweekend.

Eastbourne for the Southern Championship is next with Wisbech hosting the World Championship following.

Back to Aldershot for a Thunderdrome Series Round, then the B.P. Night at Wimbledon.

A rare trip to Scotland for the European at Armadale, then Ipswich for the end of season N.H.R.P.A. Championships and we finish at Wimbledon for the Thunderdrome Series Final.

What more could a Saloon Stock Car fan ask for?

Four Disc Set

6 hours 34 mins

Disc One

    Winternationals Wimbledon 3rd January

    Doral Videos Meeting. Aldershot 17th March

    South Brink Classic Wisbech 30th April

Disc Two

    Ipswich Spedeweekend

    Southern Championship Eastbourne 29th August    

Disc Three

    World Championship Wisbech 16th/17th July

    Thunderdrome Round Aldershot 29th September

    B.P. Night Wimbledon 23rd October

Disc Four

    European Champ Armadale 13th/14th August

    N.H.R.P.A. Championship Ipswich 13th November

    Thunderdrome Final Wimbledon 4th December

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